Howdy internet folks. I know most of your who read this blog likely know me personally so it won't be too sad for you when I tell you I'll be hanging up the proverbial hat from the travelling blog and focusing on my life here back in Sydney.
And that's not to say that I won't be travelling anymore because I still have a burning desire to hike Patagonia and see the wonders of Canada (if only to be nearer to their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who I'm crushing hard on these days). And of course, the fact that my own country is just bloody amazing that it begs to be explored as well.
But for now, many changes are afoot that make it difficult for me to travel on the whim. I've got a permanent job and I want to be near my family and friends whom I honestly never want to leave again. They're genuinely amazing, funny and kind people that have given me endless love and support during a strange time in my life.
So adieu my lovelies! These last four years have been a Pandora's box of everything life could throw at me and I would not trade it for anything.
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
- T.S. Eliot