Monday, 14 January 2013

A Letter To My Mum

Yesterday I found out something that was mind blowing. My mum reads my blog...or 'brog' as I think I first heard her say it. =) Hi mum! I never thought to share it with her and now, I want to use it as a chance to connect with her in ways that I never could before due to language barriers and a sort of shyness I guess.

I just wanted to say thanks so much for looking after Kevin and I over the years mum. All those takeaway containers of pre-made food, at least 100kg of bananas (even though I kept assuring her that I could get bananas in the Eastern suburbs), the homemade Asian desserts I couldn't find in the city and the bags of that beautiful short grain Vietnamese broken rice. 

Unlike other families, we don't go around telling each other we love them or hugging each other all the time, its just not our style. But I know through food that my mum loves me a lot and I'm going to miss her, as well as my inventive dad (who put not one, but two windmills in our garden and then proceeded to connect them to a generator so he can power his back toilet light) and my awesome aunt who always waves goodbye at the door whenever I leave and my Warcraft (is that what the kids are playing these days?) loving brother, Dennis. I love you all and I will think of you always whilst I'm away.

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