Tuesday, 7 October 2014

So Long, Farewell

For every warm welcome there is the eventual sad goodbyes. Yes, this trip has certainly ticked all the boxes and we are so grateful to everyone who made the effort to see us and catch up on everyone's lives.

A big, gigantic and overwhelming thanks to my amazing parents who fed, sheltered and even clothed us during our stay here. Not to mentioned provided a car. Who did all the prep and cooking at the BBQ. I love you and will miss you. And also to my sister who tried to pick me up from the airport even though I already was on a train. Who let us stay at her lovely new house in Leichardt. And who takes such good care of Daisy when I'm away. Big hugs to you.

And then there were all our lovely friends who showered us with love and attention. My dearest and oldest friend Connie. Who shares my love for some good old Laos ox tongue and El Jannah chicken. Who never fails to make me laugh and is one of the best Vets I know. I wish we could someone make this distance not feel like one. 

Epic meals with an epic friend.
A massive congratulations to our old friends Karen and Adam who's wedding was primary reason for us flying back. We wouldn't have missed your big day for the world and it warmed our hearts to see you so full of love and looking absolutely stunning in your wedding finery. We know you guys will truly be happy. Their wedding was also a great way to catch up with people we hadn't seen for what seems like a lifetime. It's amazing that we can reconnect and truly care about each other's lives despite the years.

Our BBQ which was blessed with a bit of that Sydney sunshine magic was even more blessed when Mr Sida rocked up with 3kg of that marinated ox tongue. And to make my Dad's day better he then brought his very awesome parrot Mali who was a charming addition (despite the warning of potential biting). What a champ. Fulfilled my craving for some Asian BBQ food and managed to catch up with old faces at the same time.

To top it off we had several 30 degree days that could only mean one thing for us. The beach.  Just the first sight of the clear, turquoise waters of Gordon's bay was a sight for sore eyes. Never had I truly appreciated this Australian wonder til now. Yes, it was like cleansing ourselves of that London soot.

The one hole that was glaringly obvious was the missing presence of our dear friend Phillip Saymontry who passed away in April this year. There are so many things I want to share with him and that I know he would love. I miss his compassion and enthusiasm. We visited his grave and was able to get a little bit of closure on his passing.

Apologies to those we couldn't see, these three and a half weeks absolutely flew by, what with the flurry of Visa and wedding activity to add to the mix. With Visa's in hand, I feel it indeed it has been a fruitful visit. And now we must say so long, farewell, adieu to you and you.

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